viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019


Since in an architecture studio, I thought that a career related to human habitation can change people's way of life and I think I will be committed to trying to improve something in this área, Although my career goal has been to be able to dedicate myself to academics, I would like to be able to generate change. While in urban planning classes I realize how simple things such as the daily displacement towards the university, school, work are influenced in the way of life of people and how improving the ways in which cities are built could create a Better society. Known is the case of vertical ghettos, which have been flooding the city of Santiago, depriving us of such important sunlight or a good quality of life for people living in them. That is why when I wonder what else I would like to do when I am entitled, Altiro I think about trying to improve at least some of these urban problems as well as municipal regulations, but clearly this is almost a dream due to the large amount of economic interests involved and also that in order to change this, the city would have to be refounded.
Resultado de imagen para guetos verticales

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