sábado, 13 de julio de 2019

Blogpost 5: A Photo and its Story

This photo reminds me of the day my little dog named Malú arrived at my house, I was years wanting to have a pet and when they let me adopt her I was too happy, I remember that my mother did not agree with having a dog in the house, but over time he was loving her more and more and now he treats her as if she were his daughter. I remember when I arrived it was very scary and it was so small that it hid anywhere in the house, so that in many moments we would go through scares, when we did not find it, then we would find it under the armchairs or somewhere so small that we could not imagine It could be there, it was also very naughty, it broke everything that was, the toys did not last anything. I remember one day he found a stuffed toy from my sister and he fell in love with the stuffed animal and he started to take it everywhere (my sister was not happy with this), but Malú was happy with her new stuffed animal, so much is her fascination with who after 4 years is still playing and sleeping with him.

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