viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

Blogpost 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

When born at a time when technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, many electronic devices are part of my day to day, I remember being approximately five or six years old when I first saw a computer, with a huge screen and it took a long time to turn on and off, at the same time the cell phones began to massify.It did not take long for computers to also evolve to be portable. In this way, people begin to be more dependent on these technologies. Although, I do not get to know life without the massification of technology, I think this must have been a setback in people's community life, in how human beings become increasingly individualistic and submerged in their portable devices , preferring many times, to be connected to Instagram or WhatsApp that sharing with their peers. However, having to choose a technological device, would be the computer, because it is of great help in many areas of contemporary life.

                                     Resultado de imagen para computador notebooks hp

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