martes, 27 de agosto de 2019


The country that I would like to visit is Grecia. Is a country that has always interested me a lot. Previously called Helade. It is one of the most studied countries, was made up of cops. Its considered as the cradle of the Western civilization, due to its development in the field of philosophy, known are Sofocles, Parmenides, Pitagoras. In addition, The greeks were scholars of various subjects, such as, art, math,biology and they presented high progress in the field of architecture. The Partenón, Delfos, Olimpia,Atenas, the Agora they are icons of this contry. The latter are my main motivations to visited Grecia. The historical burden that this country presented is something that would urge me to live in it, besides being close to building so important for architecture.I think visiting or living in this country must be very rich culturally.Also if there was the possibility of working in this country it would be a great contribution to my profession.

Resultado de imagen para grecia